Patient Information

What is normal sleep

Sleep is a behavioural state – we spend our lives either awake or asleep. Although all of sleep appears as a single state, it is actually comprised of two different types of sleep. These are known as Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM Sleep for short) and Non-Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (NREM sleep – pronounced ‘non-REM’ sleep). NREM sleep is divided into three stages of increasing depth of unresponsiveness, known as N1, N2 and N3 sleep. N3 sleep is also known as “deep sleep” or “slow-wave sleep”.

Patient Self Assessment

Do I Have Sleep Apnoea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea occurs more commonly in men who carry excess weight. The following questionnaire is designed to assess the likelihood of OSA. For completing this questionnaire, you will need to know your height, weight and neck circumference (‘collar size’). First you need to calculate your Body Mass Index from the height and weight (1 stone is equivalent to 6.35 kilograms and 1 inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimetres).

Am I too sleepy?

The following questionnaire is a commonly used self-report measure of sleepiness. Please rate how likely you are to sleep in the following situations, based on your experience in the last month. Please remember that we are not asking you to rate how tired you would be in these situations BUT HOW LIKELY YOU WOULD BE TO ACTUALLY DOZE OFF.

If you have not been in the following situations recently, think about how you would have been affected. Circle the most appropriate number for each situation.

Do I Have Insomnia?

When one has insomnia, there may be difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep, or it may be that one wakes up too early and then can’t get back to sleep. It can also be a feeling of not refreshed after a night’s sleep. Most of the time it is a combination of one or more of these complaints. The severity of insomnia can be assessed by the “Insomnia Severity Index (ISI).

Do I have Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) erum nonsequis seruptur autem que nem facium et eosae nonsenis dolo et fugia vendunt a eostio dolupta qui cupta dellaut harcitate et, odiciae reped quo te iunto venduciento essim res enimintionet quo totatecum nit lab id eium fuga. Ipienie ndelit ea am nus dolores ab in nobisciis pa doluptam reicab illab isqui ut eum et que voluptat.

If you think you have any of the above

Erum nonsequis seruptur autem que nem facium et eosae nonsenis dolo et fugia vendunt a eostio dolupta qui cupta dellaut harcitate et, odiciae reped quo te iunto venduciento essim res enimintionet quo totatecum nit lab id eium fuga. Ipienie ndelit ea am nus dolores ab in nobisciis pa doluptam reicab illab isqui ut eum et que voluptat.